Merlara DOC is one of the liveliest of the Veneto denominations, producing original and modern wines. Its production area is rapidly expanding, which at the moment includes roughly 500 hectares of vineyards, of which around 400 are linked to the Cantina di Merlara, a winery linked to the Cantina di Colognola. It is therefore part of the Collis Veneto Wine Group, and as such, is in a position to promote its produce the world over. The unification with the Cantina di Colognola marked the return of successful winemaking to the Merlara area: the desire to overcome the crisis and to compete at a high level as protagonists in their field has meant that they have put all their efforts into coming together to achieve satisfying results now, as well as preparing them for future challenges. New retail space, a modern oenological structure, meaning better wines that are prizewinning and better funded, have brought confidence and prospects to these companies.
The DOC status was approved with a Presidential Decree on the 13th July 2000, and on 26th January 2001 the respective Consorzio was created, with the job of overseeing and monitoring the associate producers.
Vines have been cultivated in the production region of Merlara DOC since the 16th century: wine was produced in the cellars of the courts, and it restored travelers who would use their old roads to travel between main towns and cities.
This wine-producing zone has only recently featured in the scope of high-quality winemaking, and it is characterized by very drinkable, pleasant wines, ideal for matching with typical dishes of the area.
The strip of plain between the river Adige and the lower Padana road outlines the production zone, which straddles three communes in the Province of Verona: Bevilacqua, Boschi, Sant’Anna and Terrazzo, and six communes in the province of Padua: Casale di Scodosia, Castelbaldo, Masi, Merlara, Montagnana and Urbana. It is this region that the river cut through before the riverbed was moved further south in the 6th century. Its soils are rather arid, but contribute to the wine’s colour and richness in aroma that is tipical of vins de sable. In the vineyard, we find Tocai Friulano, Malvasia Istriana, Riesling, Raboso, Merlot, Cabernet and Marzemino.
This territory offers a variety of characterful wines: one example is the Merlara DOC Malvasia obtained from the Malvasia Istriana grape, a typical vine variety of this region. The wine presents a straw-yellow colour, and a full-bodied, warm flavor. The different styles range from a fresher version, which is very drinkable and with a pronounced freshness, along with a rich bouquet, to the more complex version, which makes use of a late harvest, light appassimento or refinement in oak recepticals.
Unique in their class are also the Refosco and the Raboso, with its Amarone-like tendencies, and the Marzemino frizzante, a light red wine that is aromatic and sweet.

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Data ultima visita: 19/10/2024